The Heart of Love

Our world today seems to be, at times, turning upside down. We are living in a society that assigns value to material things and external shows of powers – yet we neglect the needs of our hearts and the wisdom of our souls. This has been a slow and degenerating ailment. We have been programmed to value ourselves based upon our accumulation of things. To exacerbate the issue, we define ourselves by the feedback of our external environment. It speaks to us predominantly in the voice of judgment.  These dependencies cause an internal disconnect between our hearts and minds. Because we have disconnected from our true selves – it is easy to believe that we are separate from others, nature, and the world.  It is as if we have forgotten that all of life is interconnected. Humanity has grown increasingly fearful because we are no longer at home within ourselves. It stands to reason that we would also not be at home in the world that we live in. Over the centuries – these feelings built a self-fulfilling prophecy for man.  The reality that humanity created was that our world is an unsafe place for us. Through the eyes of fear, everything and everyone (other cultures, creeds, customs, socio-political systems, different species, nature etc…) became suspect. This is where the external fight for control and supremacy began over people, resources, and nature. And, around the globe – this scenario is being played out dramatically today.

To counteract the current fear and anger energy that is encircling the globe, it is important that each of us – take time each day to reconnect to the Heart of Life.  This individual act of “compassion for self” will provide us the clarity that we require to better navigate through the challenges of this time. As we individually begin to treat ourselves with compassion by allowing time for “reconnection” – we can then interact with the world more compassionately. Through this act of reconnection, we will find that the voice of fear subsides as we allow the voice of Truth to speak. Our vision clears. The circuits between the heart and mind begin to heal and regenerate. .Information begins to flow more easily. Getting in touch with ourselves enables us to understand the world. As we reconnect to Truth, all of us become better equipped to shape-shift a new, more equitable, and compassionate World. Hold the space for Love and Faith in your hearts. Know how powerful you are! Our beliefs mold our actions which creates our World. Paul Beattie describes this reconnection to the Heart of Life best in his poem:

When My Mind is Still

“When my mind is still and alone with the beating of my Heart,

I remember things too easily forgotten:

The Purity of early love,

The Maturity of unselfish Love that asks —

desires — nothing but another’s good,

The Idealism that has persisted through all the tempest of Life.

When my mind is still and alone with the beating of my Heart,

I can find a quiet assurance, an inner Peace, in the core of my Being.

It can face the doubt, the loneliness, the anxiety,

Can accept these harsh realities and can even Grow

Because of these challenges to my essential Being.

When my mind is still and alone with the beating of my Heart,

I can sense my basic Humanity,

And then I know that all men and women are my brothers and sisters.

Nothing but my own fear and distrust can separate me from the love of friends.

If I can trust others, accept them, enjoy them,

Then my life shall surely be richer and more full.

If I can accept others, this will help them to be more truly themselves,

And they will be more able to accept me.

When my mind is still and alone with the beating of my Heart,

I know how much Life has given me:

The history of the human race, friends and family,

The opportunity to work, the chance to build myself.

Then wells within me the urge to live more abundantly,

With greater Trust and Joy,

With more profound seriousness and earnest Service,

And yet more calmly at the Heart of Life.”



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